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Staff Directory


1 2 3 12 > showing 1 - 52 of 598 constituents
Tara Adams

Tara Adams

Speech & Language Pathologist
Winnequah School
Christine Aliotta

Christine Aliotta

Special Education Educational Assistant
Winnequah School
Scott Amera

Scott Amera

6th Grade Teacher
Glacial Drumlin School
Rachel Ancheta

Rachel Ancheta

Social Studies Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Amy Andersen-Goldsworthy

Amy Andersen-Goldsworthy

Administrative Assistant
Monona Grove High School
Jodi Anderson

Jodi Anderson

Special Education Teacher
MG21 Charter School
Sean Anderson

Sean Anderson

MG21 Charter School
Matthew Andringa

Matthew Andringa

Science Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Emily Arenz

Emily Arenz

English Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Mitchell Asplund

Mitchell Asplund

Science Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Liz Atkins

Liz Atkins

5th Grade Teacher
Winnequah School
Kendra Atkinson

Kendra Atkinson

Special Education Coordinator
District Office
Sarah Bagstad

Sarah Bagstad

Physical Education Teacher
Glacial Drumlin School
Kelly Ballard

Kelly Ballard

6th Grade Teacher
Glacial Drumlin School
Louisa Banks

Louisa Banks

French Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Kayla Barnes-Patrick

Kayla Barnes-Patrick

School Social Worker
Monona Grove High School
Tadhg Barrett

Tadhg Barrett

Technology Education Teacher
Glacial Drumlin School
Michelle Bartman

Michelle Bartman

MG21 Charter School
Alexis Bassett

Alexis Bassett

1st Grade Teacher
Cottage Grove School
Brandon Baum

Brandon Baum

6th Grade Teacher
Glacial Drumlin School
Tiffany Beach

Tiffany Beach

Special Education Educational Assistant
Cottage Grove School
Brianna Beale

Brianna Beale

Special Education Educational Assistant
Cottage Grove School
Nicole Beam

Nicole Beam

Occupational Therapist
District Wide
Nathaniel Beauvais

Nathaniel Beauvais

School Nutrition Assistant
Winnequah School
Traci Becker

Traci Becker

6th Grade Teacher
Glacial Drumlin School
Alexandra Beemsterboer

Alexandra Beemsterboer

Special Education Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Kay Beilke

Kay Beilke

Special Education Educational Assistant
Winnequah School
Andrew Bellamy

Andrew Bellamy

Physical Education Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Chelsey Bennett

Chelsey Bennett

School Nutrition
Monona Grove High School
Teresa Bentler

Teresa Bentler

Educational Assistant
Cottage Grove School
Greg Benz

Greg Benz

Career and Technical Education Coordinator
Monona Grove High School, District Office
Robin Berg

Robin Berg

School Nutrition
Monona Grove High School
Michael Bergemann

Michael Bergemann

School Counselor
Cottage Grove School
Jill Bertera

Jill Bertera

Administrative Assistant to the Principal
Glacial Drumlin School
Talesha Bible

Talesha Bible

Special Education Educational Assistant
Glacial Drumlin School
Angela Bickett

Angela Bickett

Educational Assistant
Glacial Drumlin School
Ashley Bindl

Ashley Bindl

5th Grade Teacher
Granite Ridge School
Susan Bishop

Susan Bishop

Counselor, Student names ending A-F
Monona Grove High School
Aleah Blada

Aleah Blada

Speech & Language Pathologist
Winnequah School
Jaxson Blair

Jaxson Blair

Special Education Educational Assistant
Glacial Drumlin School
Karolyn Blair

Karolyn Blair

Special Education Educational Assistant
Cottage Grove School
Sophia Blair

Sophia Blair

Special Education Educational Assistant
MG21 Charter School
Deanna Blang

Deanna Blang

Special Education Teacher
Granite Ridge School
Kami Blatter

Kami Blatter

Special Education Educational Assistant
Granite Ridge School
Kori Blumer

Kori Blumer

Farm to School Specialist
District Wide
Michael Boehm

Michael Boehm

Educational Assistant
Granite Ridge School
Sonja Boehm

Sonja Boehm

Spanish Teacher
Monona Grove High School
Charis Boersma

Charis Boersma

General Music Teacher
Taylor Prairie School
Jennifer Boll

Jennifer Boll

Educational Assistant
Glacial Drumlin School
Kim Bonjean

Kim Bonjean

School Nutrition Assistant
Cottage Grove School
Daniel Bornbach

Daniel Bornbach

Head Custodian
Monona Grove High School
Kristy Bovre

Kristy Bovre

Library Media Specialist
Glacial Drumlin School
1 2 3 12 > showing 1 - 52 of 598 constituents