Board Members
Meet the Board Members
Click each board member's name to view committee assignments.

Philip Haven

Peter Sobol

Rachelle Miller

Susan Manning
School Board meetings can be viewed live on: Charter Digital Cable (Channel 990) and on AT&T U-Verse (Channel 99).
Meetings can also be viewed live from your mobile device using the MononaGo app, available for Apple and Android devices. The app can be downloaded in the App Store or the GooglePlay Store, or by scanning the QR code below:
In addition, previously recorded Board Meetings can be viewed on Monona TV's YouTube Channel.
Email the full Board at Messages sent to this address are automatically copied to the Superintendent.
Please note that the Board has selected the Board president as the Board spokesperson, and therefore she/he will respond to all emails sent to mgsdboard email. Please do not assume any disinterest on the part of other Board members who may not reply; they may not do so only because they know the Board president will, and they assume people who contact us do not necessarily want seven replies. If you want to hear from a specific Board member, you may want to contact that person directly.