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Board Committees

The application period for the Teaching Learning and Equity Committee and our newest committee, Finance and Operations, has ended. See below for a complete timeline of both committees.

The Board of Education has five Standing Committees:

Employee Relations Committee: The duty of this committee is to hear an appeal at the request of a staff member of a decision made by the Superintendent with which the employee is not satisfied and to make a recommendation to the Superintendent.

Finance and Operations Committee: The duties of this committee may include to monitor financial activities and reports; develop and review the annual budget; review operational functions and long-range financial planning; evaluate requests from the Administration regarding district facilities, property, and transportation; approve emergency actions or expenditures when necessary and report them to the Board; oversee the deployment and improvement of key financial and operational processes; consider any additional matters related to District finance and operations, as determined by the committee or assigned by the Board, and recommend policies to the Board related to finance and operations. Community members on this committee: Meryl Klecker and Alan Zoellner Staff member on this committee: Chris King-Richard

Personnel Committee: The Personnel Committee duties are to consider and propose revisions as necessary for job descriptions, qualifications, standards, and evaluations for professional and support staff; develop and recommend changes and amendments to both the teacher and support staff Handbooks; review any personnel matters referred to the committee; negotiate master agreements with bargaining units; and perform such other duties as directed by the Board.

Policy Committee: Duties of this committee may include to promote the continuous updating of the Board policy manual by review followed by recommendation for Board approval of new policies or revisions of existing policies; perform such other duties as directed by the Board.

Teaching, Learning and Equity Committee: Duties of this committee may include to review district progress in meeting goals related to teaching, learning, and equity; review district staff development opportunities that support teaching and learning; help provide awareness and communication concerning teaching, learning, and equity; make recommendations to the Board as appropriate; and to perform such other duties as directed by the Board. Community members on this committee: Brie Chapa and Joseph Swinea Staff member on this committee: Kelly Ballard

School Board policies and meeting agendas (and materials) are available on BoardDocs. Meet our board members and which committees they serve on.