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4K-12 Programming

The primary years

Studies show that children who receive quality early childhood education are more likely to be successful throughout their school years. Our 4-year-old kindergarten program is a play-based program designed to nurture the social, emotional and early literacy skills of four-year-old children. 4K in Monona Grove is half-day at either Taylor Prairie School or Winnequah School, with wrap-around childcare available at Taylor Prairie School.  If your child is four years old on or before September 1, 2024, they are eligible for our 4K program. Click here to register, click here to learn more about 4K in MGSD. 

Kindergarten through grade two is when students learn to read and the core concepts of mathematics. In reading students master phonics, decoding, and become fluent readers. In math, counting and basic number operations are foundational, and students begin to use their math to solve real-life problems, too.

Students transition from learning to read to reading to learn 

Building on their primary experiences, grades 3-5 students engage in increasingly complex informational texts to develop critical thinking skills and solve increasingly complex math, to develop algebraic thinking.  Starting in fourth grade, students have the opportunity study a string instrument.  Of course, throughout the elementary years, students also study grade level science and social studies. In addition, students participate in art, music, and physical education multiple times each week, and receive guidance instruction to help with their social/emotional growth.

Middle School

Sixth grade, the year typically considered the start of middle school, once again expands opportunities for students. In addition to core curriculum, the middle school offers encore courses including technical education, world language, band, choir and orchestra, family and consumer education, physical education, and art. Middle school students begin academic and career planning to lead them into high school with clear goals for achieving their post high school education and career plan.  Social emotional growth continues with the support of guidance. We utilize the restorative justice circle approach to provide students with opportunities to learn to work and solve problems together.

High School focused on achieving individual goals

Monona Grove High School is a four-year comprehensive high school focused on college-career readiness for all students.  The district is proud of our student graduation rate, students attending 4-year and 2-year colleges, the number of advanced placement classes, dual-credit opportunities, youth apprentice program, world languages.

Families as partners

Most importantly, all our schools and staff welcome parents, families and students into our schools. We reach into the community too, and build important connections for all people who are part of the Monona Grove School District. The district’s rich music program educates and entertains the community; athletics and clubs offer social and developmental opportunities for students; and partnerships for students to explore the world are all part of the comprehensive program offered by the Monona Grove School District.

Meeting all children’s needs

So that students become proficient at grade level and so that each child can grow, every child receives universal, core instruction that is differentiated to meet their needs. We do this through multi-level supports, including differentiation, interventions, enrichment and extension for advanced learners, and an accelerated math program at the middle school. Support for individualized learning cuts across all grade levels. We recognize children have varying needs, so they find support here ranging from gifted talented programming to special and specialized needs. Every student is important in our schools. 


Equity in the Monona Grove School District

The mission of the Monona Grove School District is to be a safe, equitable, and inclusive learning community for everyone. Our vision is engaged learning where equity is prioritized. 

Despite decades of educational reform and federal mandates, the United States continues to see growing inequities among students. The Monona Grove School District has been working for several years to disrupt the systems in place that allow these inequities to persist in our own schools. There is always more work to do--the job of creating equity for all students is never complete. 

 Equity doesn't mean everyone gets the same of something. In the Monona Grove School District, equity means every students gets what they need in order to be successful. Whether it's a higher level of challenge or extra support, each student gets what is needed, in the classroom with their peers.