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Dyslexia & Related Conditions

Dyslexia and Related Conditions

Informational Guidebook on Dyslexia and Related Conditions

One Page Summary of Guidebook


Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction offers the following background related to the Informational Guidebook: “Required by 2019 Wisconsin Act 86, Wisconsin's Informational Guidebook on Dyslexia and Related Conditions was created through collaboration between an advisory committee created by Act 86 and DPI. Feedback was solicited from advisory committee members at several points in the drafting process. In addition, the guidebook was available for 30 days of public comment. Per Act 86, the informational guidebook discusses screening, instruction and intervention, and resources that can support improved learning for school-aged individuals with characteristics of dyslexia. The audience for the information is broad and includes but is not limited to parents and families, educators, interventionists or reading teachers, and educational leaders.” Please see DPI’s related website for further information.

Strong skills foundation: Great reading instruction starts with helping kids develop great reading skills. Built on the Science of Reading, Amplify CKLA features an explicit, systematic approach that leverages multisensory instruction. By building a solid foundation of phonological awareness and phonics, reading the words on the page becomes automatic, opening the door for deep comprehension and critical thinking.

Deep content knowledge: Research shows that reading comprehension increases when students have background knowledge about a topic. We’ve designed CKLA around topics that interest kids, from science to world history to great literature and art. Students build connections across domains and grades, deepening their understanding and engagement with each year. 

Authentic, diverse texts: Diverse texts provide both windows and mirrors, helping students better understand themselves and the world around them. CKLA provides students with a variety of texts— including rich authentic literature, novel studies, Student Readers, and more. Our K–2 decodable chapter books feature relevant characters and gorgeous illustrations that honor students' diverse backgrounds within an authentic reading experience.

Each elementary school and the middle school in MGSD has at least two reading teachers on staff, with one reading teacher servicing MGHS and MG21. Our district reading staff have a variety of resources and supports that are used to meet student reading needs, and many of our reading staff are Orton-Gillingham trained.